A Relaxing massage is mostly for those that are extremely tense, overworked, stressed, experiencing anxiety or feeling underappreciated. Effleurage, or long, gliding strokes and very light feather strokes or very light kneading is used to provide for the utmost of relaxation to help you leave feeling refreshed and new.

What to expect

Before treatment, your therapist will provide a full consultation, asking you various questions about your health and lifestyle, to ensure treatment is right for you.

Treatments usually take place on a massage table or couch.

Whatever type of massage you are having, your therapist will advise you of what to expect before the treatment begins.


Voo-therapy uses Songbird massage wax, a superior alternative to massage oils and lotions, this massage wax is a non-spill, beeswax-based medium ideal for controlled and deep massage.
100% natural ingredients
100% Recyclable Packaging