Sports massage has its base in recovery of an Injury, in the rehabilitation of the client’s injury and in preventing injury at the outset of physical work whether by a sporting or life style activity. Sports massage may be explained as the skilled, manual, therapeutic application of soft tissue remedial techniques that are selected and performed after careful consultation, recording of medical history and appropriate general and specific assessment.

With all massage treatments, the therapist will adapt the pressure and techniques used to suit the client’s individual needs and preferences.

Designed around the needs for athletic activities and goals, Sports Massage is complete and versatile, its application offers value to anyone at any age (except contraindications).

Please contact us with regard to suitability.

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What to expect

Before treatment, your therapist will provide a full consultation, asking you various questions about your health and lifestyle, to ensure treatment is right for you.

Treatments usually take place on a massage table or couch. The techniques involved will include performance enhancement, injury, trauma and or soft tissue damage prevention, restorative, event related and rehabilitative techniques to improve the condition of the client, as well as early identification and treatment of minor soft tissue overuse conditions. It can also involve improved self-awareness of the sports person and/general member of the public who may have suffered a similar injury to that of an athlete, but in the form of back strain/pain after gardening, for example. The aim is to develop a treatment programme, including evaluation and monitoring, which takes into consideration the client’s age, health, life style, physical capabilities or restrictions and previous exercise/sport history.

Whatever type of massage you are having, your therapist will advise you of what to expect before the treatment begins.

Some of the reported benefits of Sports Massage include:

  • Relief back, shoulders and neck pain
  • Increased joint range of motion (ROM)
  • Increased sense of emotional well-being
  • Decreased residual muscle tone
  • Decreased muscle spasms
  • Decreased Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (tightness and stiffness)
  • Promotion of deeper sleep
  • Reduction in anxiety levels
  • Relief of stress and aid to relaxation


Sports massage applications

Recovery massage (post-event massage)

Ideal for after training or competing, or after a long week of hard work, Recovery massage is specifically designed to help the athlete perform at their best and recover as quickly and effectively as possible after their event to facilitate a faster return to training after an athletic event.

Recovery massage uses light pressure techniques alongside passive stretching to help regain normal muscle resting lengths after strenuous exercise. A Recovery massage helps treat and prevent delayed onset muscle soreness (muscle fatigue and tightness).

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Restorative massage

Often received regularly whilst training for an event or for those looking to improve their personal best and train harder. Restorative sports massage works to enable further training by preventing injury.

This massage treatment is a blend of relaxation massage, modified deep tissue massage and movement.
The focus is on restoring balance to the whole person. Whether you are stressed or suffering from a chronic injury you will benefit from this massage. Pressure of the strokes depends on the individual client ranging from light to deep. Gentle movement is also used at times to help free up tight and restricted muscle tissue. The goal is to reduce pain, quiet the mind and leave the client feeling refreshed and at ease.

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Rehabilitation massage

Rehabilitation massage offers treatment of a specific body area whether discomfort, pain, injury or recurring issue to help the healing process be more efficient, and reduce pain and stiffness.

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Voo-therapy uses Songbird massage wax, a superior alternative to massage oils and lotions, this massage wax is a non-spill, beeswax-based medium ideal for controlled and deep massage.
100% natural ingredients
100% Recyclable Packaging